

2次試験 合格のコツ! 

ESDIC英語能力開発アカデミー 2次口述試験対策専任講師の Ron Pompeo 講師が、約30年に及び、数多くの受験者を合格へと導いた豊富な指導経験に基づき、2次口述試験対策の最重要ポイントをお教えいたします。皆様の2次対策に是非、活かしていただきたい必見の内容です。 




→Ron Pompeo講師紹介    
< Ron 講師の2次対策アドバイス!>

訳:小野 良行講師

Since last year, the style of the 2nd Examination is being conducted in two parts, namely the interpretation part and presentation part. However, the fundamentals of passing the exam have not changed. In other words, you still need to have sufficient knowledge about Japanese history, customs, culture, society, and lifestyle. In addition, you need to speak clearly and correctly, and you need to look pleasant and have an enthusiastic attitude.
The good thing about this year is that we have a clearer idea about the test format. I expect that this year too, the entire interview most likely will be strictly conducted in terms of time.


Interpretations cannot exceed one minute. 
Presentations cannot exceed two minutes. 
You have 30 seconds to write brief notes, before you begin your presentation.
The entire interview is 10 minutes.

●プレゼンを始める前にメモを取る時間が30 秒ある。

For the interpretation part:
1. Closely translate the Japanese words into English, and don’t omit or delete words:
If the Japanese includes words such as 「おいしい果物」then say “delicious fruit” in English and not only “fruit”. If the Japanese sentence has only 「魚介類と野菜」, then only say “seafood and vegetables” and do not say “seafood, vegetables, fruit, and chicken”. Saying the interpretation in English words and ideas that correspond as closely as possible to the Japanese words is the best approach to the interpretation part.

(1) 日本語を正確に英語に訳す。言葉を省略したり削除しないこと。
もし日本語が「おいしい果物」となっていたら、delicious fruit と言い、単にfruit とはしない。もし日本語が「魚介類と野菜」であれば、seafood and vegetables とし、seafood, vegetables, fruit and chicken としない。日本語に最も近い英語の言葉や考えで通訳することが、通訳部門ではベストな方法です。

2. Pay attention to both content and grammar:
Do not only think of words, and then forget about grammar. For example, when talking about “apples and grapes”, be sure to speak in good English grammar by saying, “In Japan, there are many apples and grapes in autumn”. (And not: “In Japan, there is many apples and grapes in autumn.”)

(2) 内容と文法の両方に注意を払うこと。
例えば、「リンゴとブドウ」ということで話すのであれば、正しい英文法でIn Japan, there are many apples and grapes in autumn. と必ず言うこと。 In Japan, there is many appels and grapes in autumn. としてはいけません)

3. Learn to take good notes:
A: Make sure to take good notes that you can read. Some students during mock interviews have written notes that they can’t read later. As a result, they couldn’t translate correctly
B: You don’t have to write every word that is said in Japanese, but write the main points. In English, 「です」「ます」is irrelevant.
C. Think of writing English / Romaji codes such as “mj” for 「明治神宮」, “T” or “Tok” for 東京.

(3) よいメモを取れるようにする。
(A) 自分で読むことができるメモを確実に取るようにしてください。
(B) 日本語で書かれたことをすべて書くのではなく、主要なポイントを書いてください。英語で「です」「ます」は重要ではありません。
(C) mj で「明治神宮」、T あるいはTok で「東京」を表すといった、英語やローマ字の記号を書くことを考えてください。

For the presentation part:
1. Only prepare for two minutes and no more. This means that you don’t have to waste time preparing, memorizing, and practicing presentations that exceed two minutes. Create good presentations that you can say in two minutes.

(1) 2分間だけの準備をして、それ以上のことはしない。

2. You need to balance content and time. Since you only have two minutes to give your presentation, talk about important points and give useful and interesting information, but only enough information to fit within two minutes. Of course, two minutes isn’t enough time to say everything about the topics. So the technique is to prepare a presentation that has a good balance between saying necessary information and finishing within the two-minute time limit. You won’t be able to complete your presentation if you cannot finish it in two minutes. If this happens, unfortunately, your presentation will be only “half answered”. So gain a sense of what you can say in two minutes.

(2) 内容と時間のバランスを取る必要がある。

3. Practice by using a timer. When preparing for the test, practice your presentations, reading with your voice. But be sure to set a stopwatch to two minutes. You can use a kitchen timer or a mobile phone.

(3) タイマーを使って練習する。

4. Adjust your answer to fit within two minutes. If you prepared a presentation but cannot finish it in two minutes, then reduce content. If you finish too soon, add content. Continue adjusting your presentation until you have the right amount of content that you can comfortably say within two minutes.

(4) 答えを調整して2分以内に収める。

5. Prepare a two-minute, set answer, and then practice, practice, practice. Once you have prepared a good presentation that you can say within two minutes, continue to practice that answer, without making changes each time you say it.

(5) あらかじめ決めた2 分間の答えを用意し、あとは練習あるのみ。

6. Prepare by recording your voice. I suggest you record your voice. When you listen to your presentation, confirm that the words you say are the words you prepared in your written, two-minute presentation. For example, check that the grammar of the sentences that you say is correct, and check that you didn’t make any mistakes about months, years, numbers, place names, etc.

(6) 声を録音して練習する。

7. Practice by using key notes. Since you have 30 seconds to write notes before you begin your presentation, write key notes and practice by looking at the key notes instead of your full, written presentation. Look at the notes and think of the story for each of the notes. For example, if the topic is the three most famous gardens, then write key notes such as:
Kairakuen: Mito. plum blossoms, 100 kinds of trees, Feb 20-March 31
Korakuen: Okayama. largest, Sawa no Ike, three islands, replicates lake biwa scenery
Kenrokuen: Kanazawa. stone lantern, winter, pine trees

(7) 要点を使って練習する。
プレゼンを始めるまでにメモを書く時間が30 秒あるのですから、全体が書かれたプレゼンの代わりに、要点を書き、それを見て練習してください。


8. Know how to say Japanese words in English.  Some words like “kimono”, “tofu”, ”sake”,  “wasabi”, and “sushi” are usually understood by most tourists nowadays, so you don’t need to translate them if you say them in your presentation. However, other Japanese words commonly used such as onsen, soba, and shochu, are not as well known. You might want to say these words in Japanese to save time. If you do, be sure that you can explain them, if you are asked, for example, “What is soba?”. A simple answer is fine, such as “Soba are buckwheat noodles.” 

(8) 日本語を英語でどのように言うのかを知る。
kimono、tofu、sake、wasabi、それにsushi は、今ではほとんどの観光客が大抵理解します。
しかしながら、onsen、soba、shochu など、他に一般に使われる日本語はそれほど知られていません。
もしそうするのであれば、たとえば、もしWhat is soba? と訊かれたら、必ずそれを説明できるようにしてください。
たとえばSoba are buckwheat noodles. という簡単な答えで構いません。

9. Know the years of periods/eras. In order to save time, you might say the names of eras or periods of Japanese history without saying their years. For example, “There was an isolation policy during the Edo Period.” However, make sure you know the correct years, if you are asked, ”When was the Edo Period?”

(9) 時代の期間を知る。
たとえば“There was an isolation policy in the Edo Period.”(江戸時代は鎖国でした)です。

10. Know much more about the topics. After you finish your presentation, you will be asked a couple of questions about the presentation topic. So, be sure to know related information about the topic. Since your presentation cannot exceed two minutes, it is impossible to say everything about the topic in such a short time, so be ready to answer some questions about them. And when you finish speaking, don’t forget to say “Thank you.” Or “That’s all, thank you.”

(10) トピックに関してもっと知っておく。
そして、話し終える時に、“Thank you.” あるいは、“That’s all, thank you.” と言うのを忘れないでください。

During the examination, in addition to giving excellent answers, you need to prove that you will be a friendly and professional tour guide. While grammar and pronunciation are important points, it is also necessary for you to give informative, accurate, and easy-to-understand answers in a cheerful and pleasant manner. Always smile and look happy, as if you are having fun. (I know that this is hard when you are nervous in front of the interviewers. However, it's important for you to look confident the whole time.)


Now, I want you to ask yourself the following question: If you were a tourist who came to Japan, would you be satisfied if “you” became “your” tour guide?
I hope that you will seriously think about the answer to this question and respond honestly. I hope that you can answer with a very firm “yes”. It’s vital for you to show, during the examination, that you will become a tour guide whom tourists will want to travel with during their trips.


Finally, I always work hard to ensure that every class is informative and valuable to every student. I always feel honored to hear from former students who tell me that I contributed to their success in passing the 2nd examination. However, I tell them that their passing wasn’t because of me, but rather, it was because of their own tremendous effort.






